প্রকল্প সম্বন্ধেপ্রকল্প রূপায়ণেরবীন্দ্র-রচনাবলীজ্ঞাতব্য বিষয়পাঠকের চোখেআমাদের লিখুনডাউনলোডঅন্যান্য রচনা-সম্ভার |
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When do we see the stars?
শিক্ষকমহাশয় এই প্রশ্নোত্তরে নিম্নলিখিত শব্দগুলি শিখাইবেন। morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night, to-day, to-night, sunrise, sunset.
How are you? I am quite well, very well.
How is your brother? He is ill not very well, etc.
How is Madhu, Jadu? etc .
How old is Bipin? Bipin is seven years old.
How old are you? I am ten years old.
How do you feel? Do you feel hot, cold, sleepy, lazy, fresh, angry, afraid, hungry, thirsty?
How many are you?
How many are they?
How many boys are there in the class, in the school, in the family?
How many girls are there in the class, in the school, in the family?
How many marbles (trees, bricks, windows, doors, teachers) are there?
How heavy is this? It is ten seers.
How heavy are you? I am about one maund.
How tall are you? I am about four feet.
How tall is Jadu? Jadu is about four feet and six inches.
How tall are you? -প্রত্যেককে।
How tall is Ram, Jadu, Hari? etc.
How strong are you? Can you lift this chair, this table? etc.
Do you like sweets?
Do you like milk?
Do you like honey?
Do you like the school?
Do you like your sister, your brother, your cousin?
Do you like dogs, cats, cows, other animals?
Do you like me?
Do you like him?
Do you like caster oil?
Do you like quinine?